Aesthetic Journeys Designs

Printable Valentine for Teachers They’ll Actually Want & Love

Give teachers useful things they actually want for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s day gets a bad rap. I I’ve never really understood the hatred for this holiday. I get if you’re single it can seem a bit lonely, but it’s not about just couples. Even when I was single, I still had people in my life that I loved. Now, believe it or not, teachers get the most cards on Valentine’s day, but please let’s give them something they can use! Please stop giving them junk. Teachers need gift cards, school supplies, they don’t need toys. Here’s printable valentine for teachers they’ll actually use. Make them yourself or find them in the Print Shop.

Why Valentine’s Day Cards?

Before we get to the actual cards, let’s discuss why Valentine’s cards are even sent. I mean, it was invented by the Greeting card companies right?

Nope. Wrong

In fact, there’s a lot of misconceptions out there about this holiday, so I’m here to clear them up for you.

Valentine’s Day was not invented by the Greeting card companies. Let’s get that straight right now. However, over commercialization of the holiday by said companies has made us bitter. But let that go.

Here’s the truth:

In the middle of the 18th century, giving out handwritten notes and other signs of affection was a common Valentine’s Day custom in England. As printing technology improved, handwritten messages soon gave way to ready-made cards. They were easy to fill out while still feeling sincere, and low postage rates made them cheap to send. The practice reached America in the 1840s when Esther Howland, a student at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, decided she could make cards as pretty as the British ones. She started the New England Valentine Co. and made $100,000 in annual revenues, earning the title “Mother of the American Valentine.” Now, approximately 114 million cards are sent out each Valentine’s Day.

So why do I sell Valentine’s cards? To make money, yes, and don’t we all want to make a little money? If you answer anything other than yes, you are wrong. But really, I do also sell them because I do enjoy creating them for everyone, not just couples.

And, also, here’s another fun fact for you: the most common recipient of Valentine’s cards is teachers! (

Printable Valentine for Teachers

Now it’s time to talk teacher gifts. I’m sharing 4 ideas for teacher gifts that you can get as part of the Activity Pack subscription club.

Everything cute has been done for you, just add the gift and it’ll look like a meaningful Valentine gift that is also useful!
Give teachers gifts they can actually use this Valentine’s Day with the Activity Pack Membership

Coffee Gift Card Holder

A coffee gift card is always a good idea and you can make it cute with this gift card holder included in the Valentine activity pack.

Color Pencils/Regular Pencils Card

School supplies are always needed. Teachers have to buy these themselves so it’s always a good idea to help them out. The cards included are a fun way to dress up this gift.

Hand Sanitizer Tag

Germs are everywhere whether there is a pandemic or not. Consider this another school supply and help teachers out with a big thing of sanitizer and make it cute with this tag included in the Valentine pack.

Target Gift Card Holder

Everyone loves target right? Take out the guessing and give teachers a target gift card and let me buy the things they need or want. Make it cute with the matching “keeping me on Target” card.

Download the Printable Valentine for Teachers

Head to The Printables Club for all the cards you’ll need for Valentine’s day!

printable valentine for teachers on white background
Teacher Gifts
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